Donate to the PTO
You can donate directly to the PTO through Paypal. Every donation helps us fund Teacher/Staff Appreciate Meals, Mini-Grants for materials to enhance classroom programs and curriculum supplements, Host informative sessions for parents, and host the annual Senior Party. If you would like to donate to the EPHS PTO, please use the donate button below.
The EPHS PTOÂ also raises funds through several fundraisers including:
Dining for Dollars / Dine-Out Nights
Support the EPHS PTO while eating out with your family and friends! The PTO is teaming up with local restaurants who will donate a percentage of sales on a designated day to the PTO.
Place your Kowalski’s receipt into the EPHS Staff Appreciation slot as you exit the store! Kowalski’s will make a donation towards the Staff Appreciation Lunches depending how many receipts are received each month.
Gertens Fall Mum Fundraiser
Shop at Gertens Fundraising online store during the month of August for your fall mums and various plants. Delivery in Septemeber. 30% of plant sales and 15% of plant gift cards comes back to the PTO for staff appreciation and mini grants.
Gertens Holiday Greens &Â Poinsettias Fundraiser
Shop at Gertens Fundraising online store during the month of October for your poinsettias, wreaths, holiday planters and plant cards. Delivery in December. 30% of plant sales and 15% of plant gift cards comes back to the PTO for staff appreciation and mini grants.